Saturday, January 1, 2011

Update on ... everything.

I haven't posted in a while. Sorry. My life has been ... lifelike. I have picked up some new likes and dislikes in music, movies, sports (yeah, I know), and even comedy. Especially ventriloquism (if you were in Moline at the iWireless Center on the 31st, you probably know who I'm talking about).
As far as music goes, I think I may be getting into ... pop. Indie pop, but still, it's pop. I'm beginning to worry about myself. I just watched an entire day of football. That could be it. :)
I realized that, in movies, there has to be a solid backbone of a story, or the effects don't matter. Now, I almost abandoned this because my and a friend went to see Tron: Legacy and the effects were spectacular, but there was no story. The relationships were awkward. I mean, it goes from "Dad?" "Sam?" "I missed you!" "Ditto!" to "Any girlfriends?" "Uh, no."
Sports - one big dislike. I still hate football.
Now, comedy. Jeff Dunham. He is LOLROFLLMAO. He is hilarious. I'm not even kidding. We watched Spark of Insanity, the Very Special Christmas Special, and bloopers online. I almost peed my pants 3 times.
I am working on a short story. It's sci-fi and I made a trailer. Except I can't post it right now because I dropped my flash drive on the floor at home somewhere and can't find it. :(
Have a good rest-of-holiday!

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