Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Projects

Well, now that I've done both NaNo and Screnzy, I think I need to tackle a few more stories/creative goals before the next school year. Here's what I want to finish by August 15, 2011.

1. Musically-centered short stories [The Story of Reverend Strychnine Twitch; Gloria! (which may be in the 2011 Writing Anthology for my school)]
2. Street Light Eyes (trailer to be posted in a jiffy)
3. Since I'm going to get a Flip camera soon, I feel like maybe we should try shooting a bit of Natural Disaster Ashley. "Try" is the keyword there.
4. Convert some already finished stuff into script format
5. Work extremely hard on the guitar and maybe merge back into the piano scene
6. Try to convince my mother not to have me and the sistas go to a camp (I know it's not creative, but it's motivated by the fact that I won't be able to do anything creative if I have to go to camp).
7. Have a flippin' awesome summer!

Luhv to all, peace on Mars.

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